Friday, April 17, 2015

Here we are...

I cannot believe how much life has passed since last updating!! We were about 6 weeks pre-Alianna, and now we are about 6 weeks post-Alianna... Also we're about 6 weeks away from summer vacation. 

We welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Alianna Joy, on March 7 at 5:06am. She was 8 lbs 1 oz (just like Adaleigh was) and 22 inches! It was my first natural labor and it was a success! I was so glad I didn't have to be induced this time and I'm so glad it went so fast! We got to the hospital about 1am... So 4 hours and bam! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ‘πŸ»

She's a beauty! Such a great baby. The first week was rough because I was on bed rest and suffered from horrible spinal headaches (or should I say one-long spinal headache that took a week to go away), but after that we got into a good groove! Alianna is also my first successful breastfeeder. Third times the charm right? Last night she slept for a whole 7 hours straight! Yesssss!! I may have another good sleeper. 

So pretty much my life revolves around my girlies, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Life is so so good!! πŸ’•