Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Well, August came and went. I must say it was an exciting month with lots of unexpected things that came our way, good and bad. I wish I had more time in my days to keep up with this blog, but I'm tired and need to catch some sleep tonight before the week gets started tomorrow, so I'll try to make it short and sweet.

Adaleigh started Kindergarten and she loves it. We adore her school and teachers. Don't mind the scratch on her face... she hit the pavement a couple days before school started.

Other exciting things that have happened in the past month... we've reconnected with some old friends and have gotten back into church. I shouldn't be surprised, but I really am, at how much it has helped our day to day life. Getting plugged into a church and having friend that share our beliefs and are in the same stage in life really makes a difference and holds us accountable.

I have to admit, being in church feels great after so many years, but it also brings back so many memories and emotions, good and bad, that I can totally understand why people that leave church don't go back. God's presence is everywhere, but there's something about being surrounded by a body of believers and getting fed a good word of God that you just can't get from reading the Bible on your own time or listening to podcasts or watching church on tv.

With that being said... God has been blessing us like crazy lately. I kind of stumbled into a job a couple weeks ago. I had finally given up actively pursuing a job because none of the job offers I've had in the past could meet my needs. But I suppose it's when you stop searching, sometimes you end up finding what you've been needing. My embroidery business was really starting to take off, so I was finally set on not finding another job until I got an email about my resume I had submitted to a local art museum. I honestly didn't even remember submitting it, but I set up an interview anyway. I went in and they hired me on the spot. I've already been there for 2 weeks now and I love it. It's definitely a God thing. I have the perfect schedule that meets my needs as a mom and wife (I always have Sat, Sun, and Mon off... woohoo!), I'm utilizing my skills and experience while I'm challenged to learn new ones, I'm active in the community, and the location of the museum is central to my home, and both of my girl's schools. Also, the daycare that usually has a waiting list, actually had an opening for Aubrie's age group and I got her in within a week. Total blessing!

So with all these blessings that have been flowing, I'm still struggling with the loss of my cousin Bethany. It's been almost a year since she went to be with Jesus and I'm still so heartbroken. My heart breaks especially for my cousins and my Aunt and Uncle. The loss they must feel is incomprehensible. I'm constantly praying for everyone that is still hurting and dealing with this grief. There is a comfort in knowing the Lord and knowing without a doubt that Bethany served God whole-heartily, but that doesn't make it easier, it only makes the world feel a little darker without her light and His light shining through her. I cling to the memories I shared with her and the hope that I will see her again.

I was going through old pictures and found this one of Bethany, gorgeous as ever, holding Adaleigh when she was newborn, Christmas 2007. Flash forward to last summer, July 2012, where Bethany was able to teach Adaleigh a little bit of her ballet techniques. :)


I'll leave you all with this song and pray for the blessings of God to flow in your lives.

"Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops, what if Your healing comes through tears. What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near."